| 1. | I 'm talking off hand , simply speaking my mind . 我这是信口开河,随便谈谈脑子里想的东西。 |
| 2. | - i must speak my mind . - speak your mind -我必须和我思想沟通-和你思想沟通? |
| 3. | You don t mind my speaking my mind this way , dear ? 我这样坦率奉告你不会介意吧? ” |
| 4. | I must speak my mind . - speak your mind 我必须和我思想沟通-和你思想沟通? |
| 5. | And when i find them , i m gonna speak my mind 再将它通通赶出我受伤的心扉 |
| 6. | I don t think i do like , if i may speak my mind “如果可以说说心里话,我并不想掷骰子。 |
| 7. | I have spoken my mind , and can go anywhere now 我已经把心里话都说了,现在上哪儿都行了。 ” |
| 8. | I got nothing to lose if i speak my mind 我一无所有,如果我输我心中 |
| 9. | I speak my mind , because that s what you taught me to do 我想什么就说什么,因为你是这么教我的。 |
| 10. | I apologize if i seem forward but i . must speak my mind 我必须道歉.如果我有点冒失但我必须说实话 |